
school districts by year of establishment معنى

  • مناطق تعليمية حسب سنة التأسيس
  • school    adj. مدرسي; n. مذه ...
  • school districts    مقاطعات مدرسية
  • districts    أحياء; أحياؤ; أحيا ...
  • by    adv. من طريق, في س ...
  • year    n. حول, سنة, حول س ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • establishment    n. مؤسسة, مجموعة ق ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. school district of philadelphia معنى
  2. school districts معنى
  3. school districts by century of establishment معنى
  4. school districts by country معنى
  5. school districts by decade of establishment معنى
  6. school districts established in 1836 معنى
  7. school districts established in 1837 معنى
  8. school districts established in 1838 معنى
  9. school districts established in 1851 معنى
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